Recent coverage of DDOK initiatives
Delta Dental of Oklahoma and its foundation are giving away free mouthguards to young athletes in Oklahoma to celebrate National Youth Sports Safety Month.
Despite a six percent decline in the average value of a single lost tooth, the Tooth Fairy continues to promote good oral habits among Oklahoma youth.
Funds will support NSO’s low-cost dental clinic in downtown Oklahoma City and its statewide dental education outreach program.
The 2024 Oklahoma Mission of Mercy two-day free dental clinic was held February 9-10 in Lawton.
ASTEC Elementary School students receive free dental care at Cavity Prevention Clinic.
Delta Dental of Oklahoma recently awarded scholarships to students at the OU College of Dentistry.
Delta Dental of Oklahoma Foundation and Variety Care partnered to provide fluoride and dental sealants to Guthrie second graders.
Captain Supertooth and MouthScience programs empower kids to take control of their oral health.
The Oklahoma Oral Health Coalition announced that when compared to the nation’s performance on 13 key oral health indicators, Oklahoma scored a 'D' on its oral health report card.
Delta Dental of Oklahoma poll finds Tooth Fairy is welcomed into most U.S. homes.